Debby Gunter for 241st District Court Judge
Republican Primary 2022
“Each decision made by the Judge of the 241st District Court impacts the people of this community. That responsibility and the effect it has on people’s lives is one I take seriously.”
About Debby.
Professional Life.
Community Life.
Personal Life.
“A judge should accurately apply the law — not rewrite it.”
Why I’m Running.
I have great respect for the judicial system, and I believe that when experienced, hardworking, servant-hearted judges are elected, the entire community benefits.
With 21 years of experience in both state and federal courts, I have handled hundreds of different types of cases throughout East Texas. If elected, I will always seek to accurately apply the law and exemplify professionalism and a commitment to serve.
Why Debby?
Her Experience
- Has practiced law for 21 years
- Former Prosecutor
- Broad range of experience from complex multi-million dollar patent cases to cases representing businesses and individuals on both sides of the docket
- Extensive experience in State and Federal Courts in East Texas
- Smith County Bar Association Young Lawyer of the Year 2011
- Smith County Bar Association Award of Excellence 2020
Her Love For Smith County
- Member of Green Acres Baptist Church
- Children’s Advocacy Center of Smith County, Former President & Board Member
- Leadership Tyler Board of Directors
- Women’s Fund of Smith County Board of Directors
- Alzheimer’s Alliance of Smith County Board of Directors
- Smith County Bar Foundation Board of Directors
- Smith County Bar Association
- Texas Bar Foundation
- Volunteer attorney who has donated hundreds of hours on cases representing children and infants

Why Debby?
Her Experience
- Former Prosecutor
- Broad range of experience from complex multi-million dollar patent cases to cases representing businesses and individuals on both sides of the docket
- Extensive experience in State and Federal Courts in East Texas
- Smith County Bar Association Young Lawyer of the Year 2011
- Smith County Bar Association Award of Excellence 2020
Her Love For Smith County
- Member, Green Acres Baptist Church
- Board Member & Former President, Children’s Advocacy Center of Smith County Board of Directors
- Member, Leadership Tyler Board of Directors
- Member, Women’s Fund of Smith County Board of Directors
- Member, Alzheimer’s Alliance of Smith County Board of Directors
- Member, Smith County Bar Foundation Board of Directors
- Member, Smith County Bar Association
- Member, Texas Bar Foundation
- Volunteer attorney who has donated hundreds of hours on cases representing children and infants
“Every person has a crucial role in supporting their community by using their skills and God-given gifts. For me, that next role is as Judge for the 241st District Court.”


Debby’s Supporters.
Michael Ace
Megan and Greg Adcock
Jennifer and Charles Ainsworth
Beccah and Shawn Alberti
Jennifer Alden
Billy D Anderson
Elizabeth and Dave Anderson
Roger W Anderson
Jamie and Brad Andrews
Cristy Arscott
Kishli Ashley
Robert Bailes
Bruce and Martha Bain
Liz and Brian Ballard
Thomas Doak Bannister
Angela Moss and Jeff Barter
Barbara Bass
Chuck Bauman
Brad Bays
Tab Beall
Kim Beckham
Peggy and John Berry
Kenneth Biggs
Matt Bingham
Dennis Black
Jana and Terry Blevins
Mishae Boren
Holly and Paul Boyd
Monica and Brad Bozeman
Gillian Brasfield
Bruce Brookshire
Caroline and Trent Brookshire
Christina and Garnett Brookshire
Alan Brown
Tom Brown
Betsy Brush
Jackie Bruton
Todd Buchanan
Misty Buckingham
Christopher Bunt
Nick Burkett
Dr. Scott and Courtney Burleson
Dr. Aaron and Emily Calodney
Brenda and Hal Cameron
Jackie Cannon
Ginger Cardwell
Dan Carroll
Otis Carroll
Kay K Caserta
Rae Champagne
Chelsie and Hugh Champion
Collen A Clark
Richard Clark
Clint James
Lori and Donald Coe
Stanley Cofer
Misty and Mike Collins
Fay Comte
Ted Conover
Lisa Cook
Dr. Rosemary and Steve Cooper
Hannah Cooper
Linda Cooper
David Cordell
William Cornelius
Kim and Bill Costanza
George Cowden
Raymond W. Cozby III
Cherisse and Brian Craft
Kay and Dr. Stuart Crutchfield
Shannon Dacus
Carleen Dark
Marcia Daughtrey
Ginger and Richard Davila
Christina Davis
Stafford Davis
Susan and Robert Davis
Shannon Dawson
Stephen Dement
Stephanie Derfus
Daryl Derryberry
Diane Devasto
David and Michelle Dial
Kearby and Clay Dickeson
Reba and Jim Dickson
David Dobbs
M. Keith Dollahite
Thomas Dougherty
Earl A Drott
Kevin Eltife
Jeff Embry
Buck Files
Eric Findlay
Annette Findley
Matt Flanery
Celia C Flowers
Perry Flowers
Diana Folmar
Paula and Burt Ford
Eddy and Dawn Franks
Kristi and Michael Franks
Rita Fryer
Allen Gardner
Cassidy Gibson
Drew Gillen
Jim Gillen
Paul Gilliam
Derek Gilliland
Jill and Steve Goates
Ramon Gonzalez
Catherine Chelsey Goodgion
Griffin Goodman
Brent Goudarzi
Richard Grainger
Darren Grant
Terry Graham
Trey Graham
Kim Gray
Scott Green
Jake Greenberg
Sam Greenberg
SE Greene
Kay and Charlie Gunter
Sharon Guthrie
Steven Guy
Fred Haberle
Rev. Fritz Hager
Brandy Hammers
Cassie and Clark Hampe
Patricia Hampe
Brett Harrison
Chris Harry
P.J. Hartley
Shelli and Ben Harveson
Jeff Heck
Khoren Hekimian
David Hemple
Sarah and Stuart Hene
Wesley Hill
Bill Hommel
Tiffany and Jon Honea
Bridgette and Harley Hooper
Jerry Hopkins
Sharon Howell
Anna and Chris Hudnall
Gaylord Hughey Jr.
Laurie and Mark Humphries
Jessica and Justin Hurst
Casey Hymer
David Iglesias
Ashley Ischy
Chad Parker
Malcom Jackson
Laura Jackson
Mary E Jackson
Jon Jacobs
Peri Janis
Erin and Brent Jasper
Mike and Pam Jones
Nancy and Chris Jones
Rosemary and Chip Jones
Christie and Larry Joy
Cynthia Kent
Christi Khalaf
Anwar Khalifa
Janis and David King
Cindy Klein
Whitney and Will Knous
Eric Kolder
Alison Kravetz
Walter Lackey
Jim Lambeth
John Landes
Jenny and Tim Lassiter
Kay and Dr. Paul Latta
Denise Langston
Zoe and Tab Lawhorn
Marchelle Levy
Margaret A Long
Carol Lott
Hunter Low
Austin W Luce
Janet Majors
Collin Maloney
Josh Maness
Ray Mapes
Stacy and Reid Martin
Amber and Brandon Mays
Diane and Sam Mazayek
Jason D Mazingo
Carol B Mazzu
Patrick McArthur
Callie McCain
Shane McGuire
Dr. Ellisv Lien and Dr. Chad McNeil
Nita Meads
Brooks Melton
David and Michelle Melton
Shannon Mercer
Dr. Jimmy and Kelly Michaels
Mandy and Scott Miles
Ken M Miller
Jay Misenheimer
Douglas Monsour
David and Lucy Moore
John Morrison
Tristan X. Mosher
Morgan Moss
Sravanesh Muralidhar
Ellen and John Musselman
Brittany NeJame
Sonya and Michael NeJame
Jim Nipp
Jennifer Noble
Danny Noteware
John Oberg
Kim Oldham
Keir Orr
Todd Parker
Ray Patel
Penny and Mike Patterson
Margaret Perkins
Nick Pesina
Robert and Debbie Peveto
Chris Phillips
Greg Porter
Paula Powell
Debbie and Jim Prescott
Stacee Priddy
Melinda and Michael Prince
Fred Pullin
Glenn Quinn
Deborah Race
Holly D. Rand
Ally and Julian Rayzor
Angie Reed
Todd Richardson
Celia and Tom Ridley
Bruce Roberts
Justin Roberts
Karen Roberts
Peggy Roberts
Randy Roberts
Brian Rollings
Lois and Randall Rogers
Smittee Root
Tammy and Corey Rose
Laurie Rossman
Jon Rowan
Matt Rowan
Susie Turner Saxion
Scott Scammahorn
Mollianna and Cole Scates
Ted Schoenberg
Ron Schoenbrun
Marisa Schouten
Thomas M Seale
Kristen W Seeber
Scott and Shawnte Shaver
William B Shelton
Gillian Sheridan
Cindi Featherston-Shields
Christin Shilling
Derek Shilling
Cathy Shipp
Dr. Moises and Lucia Sidransky
Erin Siegrist
Savannah Silvey-Holik
D. Timothy Simpson
Barbara Skeen
Neal Smith
Emily Spence
Steve Spitzer
Sarah and Mike Starr
Sandra and Ric Steele
Carole and Chris Stewart
Andy Stinson
Julie and Patrick Stokes
Heather Stoner
Suzi Streit
Crystal J Strickland
Donna Dozier and Ronald Stutes
Betty and Elam Swann
Stephanie and Chris Taylor
Micah Tarry
Meme Thomas
Glenn Thames
Joie Thorne
Todd William Threlkeld
Andy Tindel
James D Trujillo
Ron Vickery
James W Volberding
Jack Walker
Martha Jane and Michael Wallace
Pamela Walters
Leah Wansley
Melanie and Chris Watts
Frank Weedon
Sam Wells
Amy Whaley
Alan Wharton
Jonette White
Claudia R “Corky” Willens
Dr. Sherilyn Willis
Patrick Willis
Laura Wilson
Patrick Woods
Cheryl Wulf
Paula and Trey Yarbrough
Brian Young
Ginger Young
Marty Young
Jeradee and Craig Zips